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The Hell Eldrim, or, in English, Frost Elves, were a conglomerate faction composed mostly of Elves which resided in Forodwaith. Its capital, Ondosto Heleg, lied to the far North of Angmar. 


The Hell Eldrim were formed when a group of disenfranchised wanderers grew tired of their homes. They chose to establish the Frost Elves, selected Dunker220 and Hexidecimark as their leaders, and built the mighty city of Ondosto. Territorial conflicts broke out between Angmar and the Hell Eldrim, and in response the Hell Eldrim launched a devestating guerrilla assault that brought angmar to the brink of collapse. The entire server rallied to Angmar's defense and formed the Coalition of the Races, but a network of spies and Ondosto's defenses allowed them to stave off the assault and sign a treaty with Angmar.

Despite withstanding the Coalition of the Races, the Hell-Eldrim would struggle with inactivity and collapse in late 2017.

Former Members:[]

  • Dunker220, King of Hell Eldrim.
  • Hexidecimark, Chancellor
  • Thraesk, Lord
  • Creeperculler
  • _Kota_
  • _Kalec_
  • Trollster360

Hell Eldrim Constitution:[]

We the Hell Eldrim do so set forth this Document that we may form a State more capable than those whence we are derived from.


All members of Hell Eldrim, upon joining, enter into a trial period. During this period, they must be deemed by one with rank of Knight or above to be in good standing at all times, or the time the trial has elapsed shall be set back to naught. Once seven real days have passed, if the member remains in good standing, they are to be given the title of Citizen. Until this time, they are peasants. An exception can be made for those who have shown great military capacity, who will be Knighted to Hell Eldrim when they join, if they so wish; and those who own large tracts of land already, who will be granted the title of Count or Earl.


The Citizen shall have freedom to venture wherever he wishes withing the laws, except that he may not enter a Royal Court. They are full fledged members of Hell Eldrim, and are expected to form militial bands.


If determined to be of high value, a Citizen may be granted a title and seat at the Royal Court. They are worth one Seat at the Court. A Lord may revoke any title be he uncontested by a titleholder beside the one he seeks to strip of rank, and an Earl or Count can revoke any title they assigned.

If the Lord's revocation is contested by a member of the Court, the title shall be revoked by a majority vote by the Council of Lords, or not again contested for another thirty real days unless the Council states otherwise.


Each rank above titleholder may elect to grant a title. Titles granted include:

-Thane, granted by a Lord to a citizen demonstrating exemplary goodwill toward Hell Eldrim. There can be only one Thane to a Lord.

-Knight Captain, granted by an Earl or Count to Knights of exceptional prowess. Only one Knight Captain can be chosen per Earl or Count.

-Guildmaster, granted by a Lord, Count, or Earl for Citizens of outstanding industry. This gives them full right to start a Guild and maintain it. They may transfer this rank to another Citizen.

-Viscount, granted by a Count to a single second-in-command that has equal power to the Count while the Count is not present.

-Knight, granted by King or Chancellor to exceptional individuals.


A Count is one who holds land ruled to be a significant amount, which is at least twenty five square kilometers uncontested. Upon swearing his fealty to the King, he is given full autonomy within Royal law to rule his lands, and granted the title of Count, along with two seats in Court, along with an additional seat per every ten Citizens who claim residence in his lands. The Count may enter and exit Royal grounds and buildings as wished.


An Earl is the king appointed manager of a city. He is granted the power to collect funds as directed by the King and is tasked with ensuring the security of a city.


A Lord is one who has been elected to his position by at least four other Citizens. He is worth one seat at Court or one seat at the Council of Lords. He may not be a Count or Earl at the time of his election, and must pledge fealty to the King. He is considered a resident of the Capital from then on, and may determine if one might become a Count, Knight, or Citizen so long as another Lord is present. He may call for a meeting of the Council of Lords once per week, and determine its location.

Lords may be appointed by the King if there are fewer than five active Lords. Those inactive for a period of thirty days are subject to having their rank revoked by the King.


Each session of the Court will be called by the King, Council of Lords, or Chancellor. Royal Court is a collection of Counts, Earls, Lords, the King, and the Chancellor. This council may deal in external and not wholly internal affairs such as war, trade, a new Count or Earl, and so forth. Votes are weighted by seats held, and a supermajority is required to adjourn the Court. The Court may also be formed to punish significant criminals, where the Lords will stand jury and the Chancellor judge. They are the council that must declare war unless war is declared upon Hell Eldrim first.


Each session of the Council will be called by the Lords themselves over internal legal matters. Laws passed here impact the entire Kingdom. They may be passed with a simple majority and repealed by a supermajority. The Lords may also discuss projects that span multiple Counts' territories. They may declare a state of emergency for a preset time period, up to three months, wherein the King may personally dictate the law and decisions of the Court and Council. .


The Chancellor is to be an equal of the King when the King is not present. He may veto decisions from the Council of Lords unless they were passed with a supermajority. He may Knight, or grant rights, positions, and titles to Counts and Earls. He may join the Court and vote as ten seats in the event of a tie or shortcoming. Otherwise he may not vote. He may also join the Council of Lords and vote as one seat during a tie.


The King of Hell Eldrim is at all times the leader of the army, a commander-in-chief. He may veto the Council and Court's decisions, and grant pardons to the accused, immediately raise a peasant to a Citizen, and appoint Earls. In the event of an act of war, the King may declare war.


If a member of the Court is found to have broken the law by the judicial Court as above, he is to be impeached and punished by the Court as needed.


An amending congress may be held in the event an amendment is proposed by the King, Council, or Court. These three will meet and discuss the amendment, and if two are in agreement with the amendment, it shall be added to this constitution.


In order to call a Congress, Court, or Council, one must alert all members that may potentially be involved, and the King and Chancellor. One week after the final notice has been sent, the session may be declared open at the time specified in the notices. Until its closure, the session will be in effect, and all those present for the opening will be tasked with resolving the issues raised.


Hell Eldrim has codified laws which all citizens and visitors must follow.

  1. All must abide by the law of the server, the law of Hell Eldrim, and the law of wherever they may travel.
  2. Say no false things.
  3. Strike another player only in self-defense.
  4. If one shows up at your door, so long as he is not there to attack, you will treat him as a friend, and give him warmth, as well as drink and food, if he needs them.
  5. Speak not of secrets unless you are at liberty to do so.